Affiliate Link – Transformers Vault

There are books out there that never seem to get the respect they deserve. When launched at retail such books do okay and then start to decline in sales. A great example of one of these books, and a title I believe is only going to get pricey in the future once it has sold through at retail, has to be the 2011 Transformers Vault: Showcasing Rare Collectibles and Memorabilia* hardcover. I’ve seen this on clearance at various stores, and every single time I see it I wonder why it has been marked down.

Buy at!
Buy at!

Right now I see that is listing Transformers Vault for under $24, which I consider a fantastic price for this 160-page hardcover. The book is by no means perfect (few are), but if you’re a fan of Transformers you’ll want this for the looks at toys, comics, cartoons, and even the toys before they were Transformers.

The state of Transformers Vault today reminds me of where Transformers: The Ultimate Guide* a few years ago; unwanted and discounted. I believe that Transformers Vault is set to follow the same path as Ultimate Guide, with the book eventually becoming in demand and going for far more than its original price. Do not miss out on Vault because it is one hell of a fun read and a great reference.

1 thought on “Affiliate Link – Transformers Vault

  1. I’d have to agree, I got The Vault as a present last year and it is a great book. A bargain at it’s current price!

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