Airplane Reading
I’m now back from California, and as soon as I can discuss what I was doing out there I will. In the meantime, though, I thought I’d do a quick rundown of the books that I had with me for the flight. Three total, one of which I finished and two that I started reading.
- Deus Ex: Icarus Effect* – Set in the world of the video game, this cyberpunk novel by James Swallow was a fantastic read and is highly recommended if you’re a fan of classic cyberpunk novels from the eighties. It’s fairly fast-paced and fun, but do not expect more than a good time and you will not be disappointed. This is the one book that I finished on the flight.
- Classics Mutilated* – It’s a simple system, Take classic literature and screw with it in a big way, but it’s fun. So far I’ve read the first two of the 13 stories in the book, and I hope to find time this weekend to finish the other stories in the book. I grabbed this at a comic store in LA while walking on Monday and I’m glad that I did; IDW produces some well-crafted books.
- Devils in Exile* – Chuck Hogan’s tale of an Iraqi war vet who gets into a very bad situation is keeping me very entertained, and if I didn’t need to be in the office today I would finish this book this morning. I’m roughly half of the way through the book and I’m hoping that it stays good until the end.
So there they are, three books I had with me for the trip. I didn’t take my Kindle this time, but that’s a discussion for a day when I have time to really go into detail on why I find myself using the Kindle less and less.