Android: Strange Flesh Expands Fantasy Flight’s Android World

Fantasy Flight Games seems to be building their Android series — which already includes a boardgame* and two novels (Free Fall* and Golem*) — in a big way. In addition to the upcoming Infiltration (last mentioned here) and Netrunner (first mentioned here) they have also announced another novel in the series.

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Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Strange Flesh, a novel by Matthew Farrer! Set in the strange future of the Android universe, this suspenseful novel breathes life into a world where humanity is fused with technology, and conspiracies, corruption, and danger riddle the streets of New Angeles.

While the world has changed, crime has not. A tangled web of lies and corruption surrounds the New Angeles headquarters of Jinteki, a massive mega-corporation that leads the industry in cloning technology. When corporate watchdog and media blogger Tallie Perrault stumbles upon evidence of a shocking coverup, she begins to unravel a conspiracy with world-changing implications. Now, Perrault must share her story with veteran NAPD detective and troubled psychic Caprice Nisei. But can these two women uncover the truth before it’s too late?

I really should get “reading” posts for the first two novels in the series posted. Both were fun reads, and it’s very cool to see Fantasy Flight putting so much effort into expanding their cyberpunk-noir setting. And for more cyberpunk fiction (and appropriate background music) ideas there’s this BGG post — Novels/Literatures which fits the theme/story/background? — which has a few enjoyable suggestions.

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