“Announcing the Official Star Wars Comic Strip Contest!!!”

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How is it Marvel hasn’t already collected all of the Star Wars newspaper strips into a hardcover book for my shelves? I’ve got the Dark Horse remastered and reformated reprints of those old comic strips, but what I’d really love to own is a hefty hardcover that reprints the comic exactly the way it was first presented.

Anyway, what got me to thinking about the old comic strips again was the discovery of this newspaper contest from 1979. I was living in Turkey when this contest ran, but I like to think that if I’d been in the U.S. in 1979 I would have at least entered into the contest to try and win the big prize. Actually, I suspect I would have been happiest with that second prize: $150 in Star Wars toys, games, craft kits, and books would have been a pretty damn sweet prize for me when I was seven.

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