Are They Mini-Rigs?

A question for everyone! Would any of these Kenner Star Wars toys from the eighties fall under the classification of “Mini-Rig,” or are these properly identified (as lists them) as “accessories?” I’m trying to work out which of the old Kenner Star Wars toys should and should not be considered “Mini-Rigs.” I know Kenner had their own way of dividing the toys, but I wanted to get some other opinions.

(NOTE: All titles/links go to


Now I’ve already made it clear that even though Kenner didn’t list them as “Mini-Rigs” I consider two of the Droids vehicles — Side Gunner and ATL Interceptor — to fall under the “Mini-Rig” classification (see “Star Wars Droids Mini-Rigs”), but the above items have me a little stumped. I’m on the fence with whether or not they are “Mini-Rigs” so I thought I’d get some other thoughts on the subject.

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3 thoughts on “Are They Mini-Rigs?

  1. I never considered any of these as mini-rigs because they either
    appeared in the films or didn’t hold figures. Actually, I think all of these appeared in the film, so I don’t think they qualify as mini-rigs.

    I sort of only considered mini-rigs as those vehicles which were designed specifically to offer vehicles at a lower price point. These would just be accessories or, in the case of the Ewok Combat Glider, simple vehicles.

  2. @Barbecue17 – The reason I can lean either way is price point more than anything else. But yeah, these appeared in the movies . . . except for the Vehicle Maintenance Energizer, right? Or is that something I’ve been overlooking for decades now?

    I’m really torn, but I suspect the correct answer is “these aren’t Mini-Rigs.” But I’d love to here arguments for these being Mini-Rigs.

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