Assassin’s Creed Action Figure from Square Enix at New York Toy Fair 2011
As I mentioned recently, Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines* has been keeping me entertained so I’ve been paying more attention to the toys for the series. And while the 3.75-inch scale action figures I mentioned last week look cool (mentioned here), they’ve got nothing on this figure that is on display at NYTF.

Fantastic details on the armor and gauntlet, and I can see myself quickly becoming a huge fan of Square Enix’s action figures. Pricey, but not as pricey as some of the high-end 12-inch scale action figures while being almost as detailed as pieces two to four times the price. There’s only one figure on display, but you can get more shots of it in my Square Enix set at Flickr.
Now I wanna see Square Enix get a license to produce Iron Man action figures in this scale . . .
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