BattleGrip Comment Contest
It is time to give away some toys! Between now and February 23, comments posted at are entered into a chance to win one of three different toys. The prizes are:
- Third Place: Star Wars K-2SO 3.75-inch scale action figure.*
- Second Place: Transformers Titans Return Mindwipe.*
- First Place: Spark Toys Alpha Pack.* (Unofficial War Within Optimus Prime toy.)
Instructions: Comment on posts at between now and February 23, 2017. On the 24th of February I will collect all of the comments together and randomly select three winners, drawing first the first place, then second place, and finally third place winners. Winning any prize automatically removes you from later drawings in this contest; we don’t want to find ourselves with the odd chance of one person winning all three prizes.
NOTE: Any spam comments will be deleted and removed from the contest. I don’t expect readers to leave spam comments, but I want to protect all of us from the daily spam that already plagues the site. Please comment on topic in any active post here at the site, and do not post generic “win!” comments. Those will be deleted and not entered. Also, all toys are from my personal collection and doubles of pieces I’ve already got.
Good luck, all, and please share this contest with your friends on social media!

Cool beans. Probably gonna be a lotta people going after that Alpha Pack.
All very cool toy choices, but yeah, people are going to want that Alpha Pack.
Very cool contest! I’d be happy with any of those three!
dude…I want either Alpha Pack or Mindwipe.
that Star Wars fig would be great for my best friend.
Till All Are One!
Nice giveaways! I’ll be commenting for sure!
Very nice of you Phil! Good luck everyone!
W00t! Count me in! Best of luck friends!
Mindwipe! My kingdom for a Mindwipe! Count me in!
Thanks for the contest Phil!
Mornin, Phil. Count me out of the contest, I just wanted to say hello.
Man…that Prime is amazing!
Phil, love you, and this site hehe.
Even without contests, always coming back for more.