Ben Mininberg Talks Space Troopers
Had mail this morning from Ben Mininberg (blog, Twitter) filling me in on the Toygraph Space Troopers line. By no doubt you’ve seen my reviews, and I want to thank Ben for jumping in with some thoughts and info on the line. Read on for his mail (which I’ve reprinted with his permission).
Loving the Space Trooper reviews… it’s good to see them still get some love. I think they’re rad, but only have the Lucky Bag Ghost trooper myself. No room for a whole team of them.To answer your question about the line, the Space Trooper line still exists, but in a significantly cut back way, with few occasional releases, and more specialty figures like the saucer monster and specialty heads. When they came out, I think about two years, they took off like a rocket, and were huge. Everyone was hyping on Space Troopers, and they were selling gangbusters on the aftermarket. Toygraph pumped out a trillion variations, and the market completely burnt out and fell out the bottom. Nowadays, you mostly can’t give away Space Troopers, even though they’re really cool. Toygraph still makes a few, but much less frequently. There’s only a couple that still hold any market weight, like the Max Toy Co head ones, but they still only sell for like $45. You’re pretty fortunate, because you can snap up as many as you have space for for dirt, and customize to you’re heart’s content because there’s a gazillion out there.
Hope all that helps.
Thanks, Ben! That does help me, and I hope it helps some others who have been seeing these toys at the site and learning about them as I do. I appreciate the mail, and now it has me thinking I should try to snatch up more in the series before the pendulum swings back and the prices start ratcheting up.
I’ve often been tempted to pick up one of these…I’ve resisted so far but I have a feeling I’ll grab one eventually. I should also mention that the Ghost Trooper’s head was designed by Brian Flynn, of Super7, in the style of his Ghost Land toys.
I’m really enjoying all of your vinyl/resin toy reviews! It’s great to see someone looking at these toys without any preconceived ideas about that they “should” be and just appreciating the fun designs. Be careful though…that’s how I started out and now I’m routinely picking up several pieces every other week…but man, do my shelves look AWESOME.
@Vintango – I totally know what you mean about the danger of vinyl/resin toys. Buy one and you’re doomed! But you’re right, the shelves look great around here. I should post some pics.