“‘Blade Runner’ A Loner Movie Without Cutting Edge
Before diving into this June 25, 1982 Pittsburgh Press newspaper spread I’d like to point out just how amazing these two pages are for geeks today. Reviews of both Blade Runner and Megaforce accompanied by a large advertisement for Star Trek II? How could anyone not love these two pages?

Film critic Ed Blank did not like Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner film (Amazon.com search*). The review is far from positive, but it’s far more positive than the Megaforce review that can be found on the spread.

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- “‘Blade Runner’ cuts deep into American culture” (battlegrip.com)
- “Blade Runner Police 995 Spinner” by Jakob Staermose (for “Righteous Rides…And the Dudes Who Drive Them!”) (toysrevil.blogspot.com)
- Kickstarter – Skinjobs: A Blade Runner Zine! (battlegrip.com)