Blind Boxed Lego Minifigs
The upcoming Lego Minifig blind boxes (mentioned here) is gonna be the death of everyone who loves these little figures. And while the basic info and teaser image was enough to make me happy, this new pic (spotted at makes me start thinking that there’s more than a few figures in this set that I’ll want to grab.

Source: Adam16bit’s Twitter feed.
I have quite a few Bionicle figures, but don’t have any regular Lego sets. Mostly because I don’t have room to display them. However, they have such great stuff out right now. Space Police, Power Miners, and Atlantis are three themes that I look at every time I’m in the toy aisles, and really want to buy. These blind box figs look great, and will probably be the “breaking of the seal” for me, and I’ll start buying legos.
I can’t wait – there are tons of tops figures in this line-up.
Sadly, I’ll probably end up with five cheerleaders, in the first ever time in history when that is a bad thing.
@bubbashelby – I wonder if there will be different levels of rarity. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the zombies will be common.
oh yep, seen this this week too and thought after seeing german advertisement pictures that i could find it in stores anywhere – but nowhere! the robot and the lucha are cool. should they be any over 3 Euros i think i´ll pass.