Blog Update – Link Within vs Outbrain

You’ll notice something extra at the bottom of each post for the next day or two, but it’s not gonna stay looking the way it does right now. What’s up? Basically, I’m tired of Link Within being so damned spotty so I’m giving Outbrain a shot. I have to say it is really ugly having both of them at the bottom of posts at once, but after a day or two Outbrain should be synched with the site and then I can determine which one works better.

So right now we suffer as we wait for these two plugins to fight it out. I have no idea which one will win, but I’m kinda hoping for Outbrain since Link Within has been so terribly lame lately.

(One feature I do like about Outbrain is that it seems as if the system only adds “related” entries to the first few posts on the front page of the site and not to every single post. Nice.)

2 thoughts on “Blog Update – Link Within vs Outbrain

  1. Update: So far I am not happy with Outbrain. It has been over 24 hours and the links displayed are no where near related to the posts . . . except when they randomly match-up.

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