Blog Update: LinkWithin vs Outbrain

For several weeks now I’ve noticed that the LinkWithin (website) related posts feature here at hasn’t been properly updating. The system is supposed to link to similar posts here at the site, but for several weeks the links have been entirely random.

So I’ve now deactivated LinkWithin and will give Outbrain (website) a shot. This is a similar service and I’m hoping that once the site has time to update it will show related posts. (And photos; at the moment images are not appearing.)

None of this matters to most of you, but I thought that since it’s a very visible change to the site I would explain the reasoning by the change. And warn all of you that if Outbrain doesn’t work I’ll be testing something else.

And now back to the fun!

1 thought on “Blog Update: LinkWithin vs Outbrain

  1. I’ve noticed LinkWithin tends to take a day or two to provide relevant links – normally. Today, for some reason, it’s been updating within about 15 minutes…

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