BMOG Transforming Robot Toys on Big Bad Toy Store
You may remember the BMOG transforming robot toys that appeared on Kickstarter last year (last mentioned here). Well, the toys seem to be getting closer to launching and reaching the project backers . . . and they’re even up for pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store!
If I’m reading the numbers correctly the BBTS versions are actually $5 cheaper than Kickstarter backers paid for the basic $30 level. That’s not exactly the best way to treat the project backers; I’ve seen this happen before and it often makes people a little regretful that they supported the project.
The BBTS product page lists the toy for $25 and says:
Figure set comes on-sprue with Ursenalâ„¢ (8-piece bear/weapons set) and Mant-Axeâ„¢ (2-piece manta ray/weapon set) and a decal sheet for customization.
The Kickstarter page $30 level states:
You get both the “Ursenal” Bear and “Mantax” Manta Ray BMOG toys in the Kickstarter Exclusive color scheme plus the desktop wallpapers and the sticker.
The desktop wallpapers seems to be the only difference between the two.

Related articles
- Kickstarter – BMOG: Bio-Mechanical Ordnance Gestalts – Ursenal Vs Mantax (
- BW Approved Kickstarter: BMOG (
- BMOG Kickstarter Exclusives Solarbear vs. Pick-Slaughter Names and Images Revealed (
I’m not overly worried about it. The cost of shipping from BBTS is often higher than the $5 difference.
Yeah, I echo that…the KS included shipping so really they are about the same cost. Given the cost of wholesale, I’m sure they are taking a hit to get these on BBTS as well. But BBTS opens them up to a larger market.