Bonkers! Robot-Watch Offer from 1986

If we go all of the way back to Marvel’s Solomon Kane comics of 1986 we find this full-page ad from Bonkers! candy offering us a transforming robot watch for only $3.95 . . . and three labels from Bonkers! candy. Awesome fun, guys, and yet one more example of how today’s comic books are failing us.

No toys in cereal. No fun ads or promotions in comic books. Did we lose a war?

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5 thoughts on “Bonkers! Robot-Watch Offer from 1986

  1. That’s a bootleg of the Takara MC-06 Micro Change Watch Robo (which they also sold abroad as a Kronoform watch), one of the most bootlegged pre-Transformers Takara toys of the 1980s.

    In official Microman Micro Change lore, the Watch Robo along with the Camera Robo (later AKA Reflector) were built in defense of increasing attacks from the enemy Acroyear and with their help, it was possible to finally locate the extra-dimensional Acroyear fortress and begin planning a counter-attack.

  2. @Bryan Wilkinson – Was it really a bootleg and not a license? Weird that a larger company would blatantly bootleg something. And thanks! My Microman knowledge is minimal so it’s always fun to learn something new.

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