Botcon Exclusive Gigatron Full Reveal

Whether you call him Overlord or Gigatron (see the Transformers Wiki) the upcoming Botcon (website, Twitter) exclusive toy (first mentioned here) is generating chatter online. For every fan who hates this reuse of the Revenge of the Fallen Bludgeon* mold there’s a fan who loves the look of the exclusive toy.

Count me in the “loves this” camp.

Click to enlarge!

And now the full toy — in both modes — has been revealed at the Botcon website. This set is gonna be pricey, but I think I’m gonna go for it; it’s either that or find myself staring at eBay and drooling while cringing at the high prices. I’m thinking of you, Shattered Glass Thundercracker, when I talk about cringing at prices. See the Cooksux Thundercracker review for pics of the toy.

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6 thoughts on “Botcon Exclusive Gigatron Full Reveal

  1. This one isn’t working for me. I like the mold ok, but I think it’s limited. The head looks great, but I think it’s a mismatch for the body. Something feels off with the white turret/blue body too.

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