Botcon Registration Success
So I’m now officially registered and scheduled to attend Botcon (website, Twitter) in April. Yep, registration opened yesterday and you can find out everything you need to know at the official website. So who else is going to be in Dallas for the show?

This will be my first time attending and should be the only convention I go to this year that’s 100% not at all related to work. I’m looking forward to meeting some of you there, and I’m really looking forward to getting that box of toys open; I know a lot of people are down on Gigatron (last mentioned here), but the colors look great to me.
So, any advice for a first time attendee?
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I’d like to go to Botcon some day, I just never seem to have the cash. Plus I’d like to go on a year when the exclusives aren’t Shattered Glass, it’s a fine concept, but really only needs one exclusive set. If I’m going to over pay through the nose for exclusives, it should be something other than the third uses of the Thunderwing and Bludgeon molds.
This will be my 6 time to Botcon and i have some simple comments on it.
1) Be patient. There will be lines and you will waiting.
2) Ignore all the angry people on Twitter and various forums as when it comes to real life they become quite chicken. It is a fun experience regardless of what they say.
3) You will meet a lot of great people at Botcon who are fans, young and old. . You will make a lot of friends for the wekeend.
4) Friday dealer room madness is one of my favorite parts. Expect to spend a lot of money in a short while if you are sick like me.
5) Watch out for the cranky person who will be mumbling about his Ironman being one week away in St George Utah. That will be me.
@Marv – Lines? Are we talking SDCC-like lines, or not that bad? I’m not all that used to lines at cons since I usually get to skip the line; it’s gonna be weird going to a con where I’m not working.
And thanks for the info! I’ll have to try and arrange a meetup for one night at the convention.
@Black Zarak – I’ll have my phone at the con and do my best to post pics and updates from the show floor. I know that’s not the same as attending, but I hope it will help you get some enjoyment out of Botcon.
The lines are not SDCC bad as that is beyond insane. I would say 3-4 hours for the Thursday night madness. Line one for the registration and the box set and line two for the club store where you get the exclusives.