“Buck Rogers rockets into the future with an all-new science-fiction role-playing game . . . “
The large poster promoting the game from 1990 is similar in overall appearance to this 1990 advertisement for TSR’s Buck Rogers XXVc roleplaying game (find at Amazon.com*), but this ad — found on the back cover of the June 1990 issue of Dragon magazine — reduces the word count and focuses on the box set rather than the product line.
Did these ads work? Well, they certainly worked on me back in the nineties, but the death of the line after a year or so of intense support tells me that few were as interested in the game and setting as I was. Too bad, because I’d love to see what would have happened if this world design had continued for five or six years.

Related articles
- “Blast Into the Future” with the Buck Rogers XXVc Roleplaying Game (battlegrip.com)
- “Step into the World of Tomorrow” with TSR’s Buck Rogers Novels (battlegrip.com)
- “Buck Rogers Rocketing into the Future” with the Buck Rogers XXVc Roleplaying Game (battlegrip.com)
I missed out on so much in the 90s because of my family pushing me out of this kind of stuff. I wasn’t one for any gaming outside of video games, but this would have piqued my interest.
I think the whole retro scifi thing has peaks and valleys. It spiked after Star Wars came out and by the late 80s and 90s people weren’t as into it. That said, I’m socking a little extra scratch away to hunt down a decent boxed set–finally. 2017 will be the year!