Buck Rogers XXVc Cover: Earth in the 25th Century
The earliest releases in TSR’s Buck Rogers XXVc* roleplaying game featured incredible cover artwork, as proven by this Jerry Bingham cover to Earth in the 25th Century. Bingham’s painting for the line are amazing space opera works from the nineties, and I’ll definitely share more of his Buck Rogers XXVc covers very soon.

Related articles
- “Blast Into the Future” with the Buck Rogers XXVc Roleplaying Game (battlegrip.com)
- October, 1988 Buck Rogers Game Ad (battlegrip.com)
- XXVc RPG Supplement “Hardware” Ad from 1992 (battlegrip.com)
I have to admit that I chuckled a bit at the thought of the poor sucker’s helmet getting shattered in space. Such great artwork there. A lot of the older games and toys (Atari games especially, holy hell) have such great art that worked so well at portraying scenes that you may be reenacting yourself, even if on a game board or with vector graphics.