Buck Rogers XXVc Cover: Phases of the Moon
Here’s another one of TSR’s Buck Rogers XXVc* roleplaying game covers by Jerry Bingham, this time from 1991. As with all of Bingham’s covers for the game, the artwork to the cover of Phases of the Moon is incredible, and I’d by lying if I didn’t admit that part of what led me from the Arrival* short story collection to the RPG was these fabulous covers.

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From everything I’ve seen about this game, it’s the art that’s the real winner over the actual game. But man, wouldn’t it be great if someone made a stellar Buck Rogers game now around all this great work?
@Nick Ahlhelm – The setting is also fun. It’s a post-apocalyptic dystopia where there’s a blend of space opera and cyberpunk. The haves/have nots are pretty far apart, and there’s just enough of the core AD&D 2e mechanics here to make it familiar to anyone who played early editions of D&D/AD&D.
But yes, the covers are amazing and stand out over everything else when looking back at the game.