Buck Rogers XXVc Interior Art Samples
I’ve posted several different covers for the Buck Rogers XXVc* roleplaying game over the last few months (battlegrip.com search), but one thing I’ve neglected to do is give you a peek inside the game books. Those various covers by Jerry Bingham are fantastic, but what does the game’s interior art look like?
Well, here are two samples from the box set’s Characters & Combat book. Decent enough art, but it is nowhere near the quality of the covers and is why I have to sit back and wish that the game had been published a bit later when more roleplaying game books were color inside and out. Imagine an entire book of Bingham’s take on the Buck Rogers XXVc universe!
NOTE: Interior artwork for the game is credited to Continuity Studios of Burbank, CA and Rob Caswell.

If it’s Continuity Comics, then you deal with Neal Adams and his slay of artists he had there under his belt. First panel seems even to be by the man himself, where last one is… hmm, i dunno 😀
The art is wonderful, but I am surprised how different it feels compared to the covers.