Buck Rogers XXVc Roleplaying Game “Simund Holzerhein†Character Sheet
One of the seven different loose character sheets included in the box set for TSR’s Buck Rogers XXVc* roleplaying game, this two-sided 8.5″ x 11″ cardstock sheet presents game rules and the character background for Simund Holzerhein, one of the big bads in the TSR XXVc universe.
One side of the sheet features an illustration of Holzerhein while the second side gives us the description and rules. What makes Simund Holzerhein stand above many of the characters in the game world is the character’s place s a computer personality, a digital copy of the character’s deceased human form. The Holzerhein story in the Arrival* short story collection remains one of my favorite tales in that book, because in it we see the digital entity go to battle against Masterlink, the Soviet defense satellite-turned-digital personality that survived for centuries and was reactivated in the 25th century.
Check out the character sheet, and trust me when I say that there’s a lot more to this incarnation of Buck Rogers than just some remarkable cover paintings. The Arrival* short story collection is totally worth a shot and fairly easy to find these days.

An interesting concept for an 80s RPG that isn’t blatant cyberpunk.
@Nick Ahlhelm – I do wonder how much having the author of the Cyberpunk RPG — Mike Pondsmith — write the Buck Rogers game influenced the setting.