Butch Adams’ Upcoming Vinyl Toy

Artist Butch Adams (website, Flickr, Twitter) sent over some info about his new sculpt . . . which is going to become a Kickstarter project in an attempt to get this made in vinyl over in Japan. Looks like an excellent sculpt, and looks like a project I’ll have to support once it goes live.

I was accepted at Kickstarter to fund my project so that was a super surprise as well. I am sending off my beast today to Japan. He will be made into wax and tooled over there. Should take about two months to get the first pulls. I want this to be the first in a line of monsters from my little studio.

Good luck, Butch! And please let all of us know as soon as your Kickstarter project is live.

4 thoughts on “Butch Adams’ Upcoming Vinyl Toy

  1. depending on funds i may well support that one myself, his resin is nuts i could imagine the vinyl will be kickass.

  2. Great job! I’m a little confused on the Kickstarter chronology. So it was accepted, and now it gets it’s own page to gather funds for production? Did Kickstarter already pay for the initial tooling?

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