Cap’n Crunch Island Adventure Boardgame

I’ve gotta say that this Cap’n Crunch Island Adventure boardgame, even though I am certain is a terrible game, is one of those oddities I want in my collection. I don’t remember this at all from 1986, which just shows that my parents didn’t buy me enough Cap’n Crunch that year. The cards and board look great, the box is beautiful, and I absolutely love that the game pieces are the same toys that appeared in cereal boxes — see my “Squish” the Sogmaster and Cap’n Crunch review from last year for a closer look at the pieces.

There’s a copy on eBay right now that would cost me $44 after shipping. But do I want this awful game bad enough to drop $44 for a box that’s basically going to be locked away in the closet?

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2 thoughts on “Cap’n Crunch Island Adventure Boardgame

  1. @Stratos – And you didn’t ask me over to your house to play the Cap’n Crunch boardgame? Waaahhhh! Seriously, though, any memories of how often you may have played the game?

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