Cemetery Dance Publications Releases Dark Forces

I’ve been enjoying the work of Cemetery Dance Publications (website, Twitter), specifically going after their hardcovers and limited edition books, which means that I get their e-mail newsletter to stay on top of things.
Recently, the company released Dark Forces in ebook format. I’ve never read the book, but the description and table of contents makes me think I should track this book down . . . and hey, the price on Amazon* is actually pretty reasonable!
In 1980, Kirby McCauley assembled a landmark horror anthology that set the benchmark for the genre. That book was Dark Forces, and while it has been imitated many times, it has never been matched.
Featuring stories from Stephen King, Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury, Joyce Carol Oates, Ramsey Campbell, Charles L. Grant, Richard & Richard Christian Matheson, and over a dozen other masters of the genre, Dark Forces belongs in the collection of anyone who treasures works of classic horror and dark fantasy.
All of these stories are on the must-read list for any new horror fan, including Stephen King’s classic novella The Mist, which was made into a major feature film by director Frank Darabont.