Christmas Eve Toy Shopping

Gina and I are at HEB grocery shopping this morning so I decided to look through the toys. The Transformers Tracks and Jazz still look cool, but I don’t want to grab them until I get some of the Transformers I’ve already bought opened up.

$5 for Star Wars figures is a good deal, especially when there are so many astromech droids looking for a good home. What’s odd is that it’s just Clone Wars figures at that proce; Legends figures are $6.

That small Long Haul would be mine if he didn’t have the damned movie-style head. One of those unofficial Transformers add-on manufacturers could totally hook me if they offered kits that change the movie toys to look like G1 designs.

Modular Armor Iron Man. Man, I cannot believe how many 3.75-inch scale Iron Man figures we’ve seen in 2010. I’m officially shouting “TOO MANY” and hoping Hasbro cuts back on Iron Man in 2011.

A fun time in the grocery store, but I’m a little sad I didn’t see a Transformers Windcharger. Does anyone know if that guy is on shelves yet? Since Windcharger was my first Transformers toy in 1984 I’d really love to grab the new one. Hell, I should go out and find a classic one since I don’t own one.

1 thought on “Christmas Eve Toy Shopping

  1. I don’t think Windcharger’s been seen in the US yet, but that wave has been spotted in Canada and Australia.

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