Christmas Game Day!

Okay, I’m already failing at getting better (see “Six Mistakes I Have Made as a Blogger”), but I hope everyone will forgive me since today Gina and I are hosting a party at the house. The dining room and game room are both ready to play games — and I fired up the arcade machine yesterday and played Galaga to be sure everything still works great — the snacks are ready, and I even have a couple of new games that I hope to try.

  • Lords of Waterdeep* is a Dungeons and Dragonsboardgame that continues to get fantastic reviews. I’ve been wanting to play this one all year; maybe today’s the day.
  • Star Wars: X-Wing* has been taunting me for months, and after returning to the office last week to find a Stormtrooper mug and a small X-Wing gift I broke down and grabbed the game. Today I shout “pew, pew, pew” and play what looks to be a very fun miniatures game.

There will be other games, but those two are near the top of my list to try. So again, please forgive me for the lack of any serious updates today. I’ll try to make it up to you tomorrow; maybe I can work out that Masters of the Universe Classics Cy-Chop review and finally figure out just what is making this toy so unloved in the collecting circles.

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