Chuck Norris and GoBots in 1986
I’ve mentioned Kenner’s Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos toyline a few times before (here, here, and here), but I’m not one to pass up the chance to share something with you guys just because I’ve mentioned the toys before. That takes us to this big 1986 newspaper ad with Chuck Norris and the Karate Corvette toy! Because, well, just because. Okay?

That’s not enough fun, though, so let’s also check out the ads for the GoBots Collector’s Case (review here) and the GoBots Scales toy (review here). GoBots were kinda at the end of their life by Christmas of 1986, and the prices here support the idea that things were coming to a close for the line.

As a bonus, the advertisement also mentions the Lazer Tag gift certificate that I pointed out a few days ago. Ya know, just in case you want a piece of paper for Christmas instead of a toy.

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