Coming Soon, G1 Prime Matrix of Leadership Upgrade Set
For being so important to the Transformers storyline, it’s kinda amazing that the “Matrix of Leadership” wasn’t in place on day one. Admit it, you’ve always been a little upset that your 1984 Optimus Prime didn’t come with a “Matrix of Leadership” accessory. Well, now that Generation One Prime can be properly outfitted with this G1 Prime Matrix of Leadership Upgrade Set up for pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store. And at just $20 I may have to order one of these for my Optimus Prime.

“This set is to include an openable Matrix of Leadership (with seating) as well as a battle axe, articulated hands and a jetpack which doubles as storage for the other accessory parts.”
“NOTE – these are prototype pics; the final product will be colored correctly. Matrix shown in both opened and closed positions; only one matrix comes with the set. Figure sold separately.”

For more photos of the set see this post at Seibertron. I love how the jet pack connects to the trailer.
NOTE: This set is also available for pre-order at TFSource. I’ve ordered from both sites and haven’t had problems with either one.
till all are one