Star Wars Commander Fox ARTFX Statue Now at Action Figure XPress
Do you remember my Star Wars ARTFX Clone Trooper Statues review from last month (review here) and how I mentioned that ARTFX had an exclusive statue that added to the set? Well, Commander Fox is now in stock and I have to make the decision as to whether or not to buy one to add to my collection.

This is a tough decision. I mean, the set of statues looks great and adding a fifth clone trooper would be fun, but $60 for an immobile statue . . . man, I wish my weak mind would go ahead and make a final decision about what I think about statues.
Does anyone else agonize over some purchases like this? You know, the sort of battle in your mind where one side says “grab it now!” and the other side says “but it’s $60 for a statue!” I can’t be the only person who goes through these thought processes.
I just bought the standard 3 piece set yesterday (im not into statues either, the closest thing to a statue i have is the new metal gear naked snake 7″ figure) for 135 dolars. 44 a piece or something. After bothering my gf and my friends and asking for their opinions (they know i collect action figures… but statues?). Finally, i budged and bought the damn things, i was so happy with myself until i saw your review, i DIDNT KNOW THIS GUY WAS ALSO AVAILABLE! Now what do i do? every time i see the 4 piece set im gonna think “there’s one missing, there’s one missing, there’s one missing”
Flippin’ Statues
@Pedro – I know what you mean. I haven’t ordered this statue and I keep thinking how I have an incomplete set.
So you like the statues that you grabbed?
They just shipped today (amazon free shipping). I think ill be getting them on Feb 8th approximately. And i cant freaking wait, i go to amazon and when commander fox appears on the ‘recommended for you’ section i just cover my eyes and throw my wallet to the other side of the room; too tempting.
Ok, i have them now and they’re every bit as awesome as i thought they’d be.
The material and the poses are great, they’re definitely a showpiece.
One issue i had was that i broke Cody’s little arm antenna when unwrapping everything (and i was being careful). Sucks i know, but i didn’t really care; I’m THAT happy with these suckers.
… im going to SDCC this year, if i see commander fox there at an affordable price ill definitely grab him.