Cranking the Future Disco

This last weekend Gina and I went out and hit a few local stores including Waterloo, a music store in Austin’s downtown. I grabbed books and toys at various places while we were out, but it was one of my CD purchases at Waterloo that has stuck with me all week . . . and led to ordering another CD. What CD did I buy on Saturday that has stayed with me ever since? Future Disco 5: Downtown Express*, a collection of “21st century disco” that I’m now recommending to everyone.

Here’s Miguel Campbell’s “Something Special,” just one of the tracks on the CD, and if you enjoy what you hear then either snag the album or jump over to the Future Disco website and listen to the Future Disco radio program. And yes, I am serious about this. Fun music!

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2 thoughts on “Cranking the Future Disco

  1. If you’re interested in current music sounding like retro-ish italo-disco, nu-disco, newwave, 80’s electro type vibe, I highly recommend browsing through:

    It’s a European music blog with free MP3 downloads of many artists tracks. I’ve discovered many, many artists that I can’t (musically) live without now. It’s also populated with some fantastic remixes by people from all over the world in the same vein.

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