Custom Star Wars Action Figure – Imperial Assassin – on eBay
Monsterforge has unleashed another Star Wars custom action figure, this time an Imperial Assassin on eBay.

“Sliver was once a promising Jedi trainee at the Academy on Coruscant in the years preceeding the fall of the Jedi. His particular gift was an uncanny ability to mask himself and his intentions from other Force users. Rejected by the Jedi because of his impatience and lack of scruples in battle, Sliver went on to become a thief in the cities underbelly. When he attempted to steal from a warehouse owned by the Emperor, Palpatine was amazed by the young boy’s ability to hide himself from his presence. He trained Sliver to be proficient with a lightsaber, but purposefully refused to train him in the ways of the Sith. Sliver wasn’t to be his apprentice– he was to be a silent weapon that Palpatine could use against his enemies.”

Very nice custom, and at the moment the opening bid is just $10.
Source: Monsterforge’s blog.
Thanks for the kind words and for featuring the custom!