Custom Transformers Skyjack by Jin Saotome on eBay
Toy customizer Jin Saotome (website, Twitter) makes some gorgeous custom Transformers toys, and now Generation Two fans will want to take a look at this custom Skyjack on eBay. As of this writing the high bid is right around $20, but that won’t last long I am sure.
I really love the G.I. Joe B.A.T.-like look to the head. I’d never really made that exact design connection before, but as you can see at the TF Wiki Skyjack definitely has that B.A.T.-like face going for him.

I don’t remember the last time I was so tempted by a Transformer I couldn’t have. The head swap is such a nice touch here.
@Jamison – I know what you mean. I looked and the price is at $21.50 and I’m really tempted to place a bid. But I just know that this is gonna skyrocket before the auction closes.