Dallas, Walmart, and Transformers: Combiner Wars
I’m waking in Dallas this morning after visiting Texicon yesterday (more on that later). Part of how I spent yesterday afternoon was visiting a few local shops, and I noticed that the Dallas Walmarts I visited have the exact same Transformers: Combiner Wars toys (Amazon.com search*) as we’re finding in Austin.

Why did I expect to find different toys in Dallas? Well, most of my trips to Walmart stores outside of Austin reveal a slightly different product mix, but this time around the available toys are effectively identical. That’s unusual, and it has me wondering if the ordering process at Walmart has changed. Or, maybe, Hasbro and Walmart brought in more than usual of this particular wave and the distribution system spread the toys out nationwide.
I wish I had access to the computers and could track the distribution of toys. I suspect that some toys simply never make it into all of the stores.

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