Dark Horse Continues to Capitalize on Marvel’s Work in the Eighties
Lately I’ve been reading a lot of Conan comics and collections, so I’m definitely keeping my eyes on this King Conan Volume 1 Graphic Novel*. I’m constantly amazed at how much of my money Dark Horse is drawing from people by republishing old Marvel work from the seventies and eighties, but looking at my shelves shows that I’m sucked into their plan. And happy about it, because these collections are way cheaper than buying the single issues.

“Conan is king! Join Conan, king of Aquilonia, his queen Zenobia, and their son Conn in this comics adaptation of L. Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter, and Björn Nyberg’s stories “The Witch of the Mists,” “Black Sphinx of Nebthu,” “Red Moon of Zembabwei,” “Shadows in the Skull,” and “The Ring of Rakhamon”! Written by master comics scribe Roy Thomas and illustrated by the unparalleled John Buscema, King Conan collects issues #1 through #5 of the early ’80s series originally published by Marvel Comics. 192 pages.”
*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn battlegrip.com cash, which is applied to buying toys.