DC Comics Inside Trix Cereal

Cereal fans who love comics will want to head out and find Trix cereal because you can get free DC Comics comic books. I have no idea if the comics are any good or not, but if you’re really a collector of DC’s works do you really care if these suck or not? And hey, cereal has comic books? Awesome!

2 thoughts on “DC Comics Inside Trix Cereal

  1. I always enjoyed cereal prizes when I was a kid. I’m glad to see this starting to make a come back. But enough about cereal…what happened to the Big Rig! We demand more big rig coverage. Is it going to be one toy or will we have to buy multiple items to construct the big rig? MORE BIG RIG!!!!! 🙂

  2. @Aaron – I’m sword to secrecy on the Big Rig, but as soon as I get clearance I’ll post more info. What I can say is that it’s a Rig and it’s Big. Does that help?

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