DC’s “Masters of the Universe” Comics in The Art of George Tuska

Comic artist George Tuska (Wikipedia entry) was one of those classic artists of the forties fifties who went on to create some of the amazing Silver Age artwork that inspired comic artists of the eighties and beyond. Within TwoMorrow Publishing’s The Art of George Tuska* we see page after page of tight, exciting artwork from someone identified as an artist who did “a lot of ‘utility’ work,” meaning that he was called in to work on numerous books.

In the early eighties, Tuska worked on DC’s Masters of the Universe comic mini-series, and in The Art of George Tuska* we get a quick peek at Tuska’s role in the book. Of the comics, the book states:

“George has fond memories of the Masters of the Universe and enjoyed doing the books. Other publishers would later produce comics based on Masters of the Universe, including a Marvel adaptation of the motion picture that was penciled by George, but the DC mini-series is widely regarded as the best and most successful of the comic book incarnations.”

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