Dear Santa, I Want This Star Wars Statue.

Okay, when a statue as awesome as this Star Wars McQuarrie Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader* design gets knocked from $100 down to $50 then it catches my attention. And this isn’t just a sudden desire for a cool statue; no, this has been building ever since I saw the thing many months ago.

Click to visit Entertainment Earth.
Click to visit Entertainment Earth.

Santa, if you’re out there and listening — and if you can grab this statue for $50 — then I’d be overjoyed to unwrap this on Christmas morning. (If you could also redesign our living room and game room so that I have more shelf space . . . well, maybe that’s too much to ask.)

“Talk about action! This piece fairly exudes it! From concept to collectible, beginning life as a humble production painting, this remarkable statue takes Star Wars conceptual artist Ralph McQuarrie’s work into the third dimension! It’s based on an early concept drawing of Darth Vader fighting Deak Starkiller, a character who would eventually be replaced by Luke Skywalker. As a tribute to the 30th anniversary of Episode IV: A New Hope, McQuarrie’s lightsaber duel between Luke Skywalker and Lord Vader is fully realized in this 3-D vinyl kit.”

Check out more pics and a review at Michael Crawford’s review site. Wow, that doesn’t actually help anyone resist this statue. Trust me, the photos alone are worth hitting the review.

*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.