Diaclone Set for Launch Late this Year!

Yesterday’s Diaclone post got a hell of a lot more exciting when Microbry (Tumblr page) shared the link to Takara’s official Diaclone webpage: which you can see here! There’s nothing on the page except an image, but when the words “winter 2015” are on the image you can be certain a lot of fans of the pre-Transformers toyline are scraping together their change.

Thanks, Microbry, for the link! Now how soon do we expect to see the third party Transformers toymakers start announcing their own Diaclone-inspired releases?

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Visit Takara!

5 thoughts on “Diaclone Set for Launch Late this Year!

  1. Best news I’ve heard in a long time. The vintage line was so much fun to collect in the 90’s, these look great so far!

    1. @_RZ_ – I was never into Diaclone BUT it’s because I wasn’t all that aware of it before Transformers. I am sure to get at least one of these new toys.

  2. I put a translation of the announcement image up on MicromanClub too, now.

    Nothing we don’t know already, but very excited to see new official Diaclone talk after all this time!

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