DMS Duster’s Dust to Dust

I’ve already reviewed the Duster resin toy (review here) and now word comes in that the line is ending with one more colorway set to drop this weekend. If you’re a resin toy fan and don’t have one of these then I suggest you score one; cool design and the plaster/resin mix makes for a fantastic toy. It’s kinda sad to see the design being retired, but there comes a point when a poor resin robotic creation has to go to sleep.

(One more wave, I should say, since there’s a chance for more one-off designs in the series.)

Click to visit the DMS webstore!

The final full colour way of my Duster figure, limited to 25 pieces. The recent acid rain storms on Planet 44 have been taking their toll on the Duster units. The rain has caused serious erosion, even with and added heavy duty protective layer, the units are breaking down. Work has started on the design and building of a new and improved unit. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Rust in pieces! Any future Dusters will be one offs only (and possibly some blanks), as I move on to my next figure.