Doesn’t Everyone Need a M.A.S.K. Closet?

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Another victim of “there’s never enough time” are these classic Kenner M.A.S.K. toys that remain locked away in one of the closets here at home. Some day in the future I’ll have time to clean and photograph all of these toys — I would love a M.A.S.K. toy book on my shelf, someone get on that — but until then the best I can do is know that the toys are there waiting for me.

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Well, that’s not completely true since I can also direct you to the few M.A.S.K. toy reviews that I’ve posted here at since the site launched in 2008:

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10 thoughts on “Doesn’t Everyone Need a M.A.S.K. Closet?

  1. Easily one of my all time favorite toy lines as a kid. S.T.A.R.Comm and M.A.S.K. was were it was AT (besides Transformers of course).

    Man does this bring back memories, thank you for posting this!!

  2. Yes! I love MASK! I’m glad to see you do too. I can’t wait to see your additional reviews as I still have a lot of these. Any chance you have any XPanders toys? I started my collection when I was little, and I’ve been trying to complete my collection for years.

  3. Nice! Super jealous since these were always cool toys that for some reason I never picked up as a kid.

  4. Curious, how do you approach cleaning vintage toys – particularly things with stickers that could be damaged?

    I recently cleaned up my father’s Major Matt Mason figure (along with some minor repair to the arm and neck-post). I found using rubbing alcohol and a Q-tip was ok on the bendy-rubber body to remove the years of dust and grime.

    When it comes to vintage vehicles, transformers, etc. -things with metal bits or stickers that could rust or damage, what’s the best approach to cleaning?

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