Doom: The Board Game Scenario from 2005

I’ve mentioned before how I was an infrequent contributor to Scrye magazine before its demise, and while going through magazines over the weekend I stumbled across issue #83 from 2005 . . . and the scenario for Fantasy Flight Games’ Doom: The Board Game* that I wrote for the magazine. It still makes me sad that Scrye was forced to close down — magazines just aren’t what they once were — but at least my shelves are still stocked with old magazines that I can enjoy today.

(And reading this scenario again I can see where it could have been tightened up and needing a touch of editing. But the scenario is from nine years ago so I’ll just be happy that I had a chance to write it and then move on with my life. None of us are perfect.)

Now if I could just find the issues that include the MechWarrior scenarios I wrote. I think an entire stack of magazines was lost or accidentally tossed; I’ll have to do some research online to figure out which issue numbers included my scenarios.

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