Dragon’s Lair!

Man, I’d love one of these original arcade cabinets in my game room. Did anyone else out there throw too many quarters away in the 1980s trying to beat this game? What I should do is grab the Dragon’s Lair DVD* since that will take less room, play just as well as an arcade cabinet, and cost a hell of a lot less.

The arcade cabinet would be cooler, though.

*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn battlegrip.com cash, which is applied to buying toys.

3 thoughts on “Dragon’s Lair!

  1. I don’t think anyone who ever played this game actually ever beat it. It has to be a myth. I could never go further than five screens in.

  2. I have seen many people beat it back in the day at the arcade. took hella quarters tho. Phil let me know I have a new sealed copy of the dvd if you want it

  3. Smack – there is no way! 😉
    Honestly, I think that every machine I ever tried to play this on was broken in some way. I’d usually get frustrated and go play Tron or Satan’s Hollow instead.

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