Dropcloth Available at Bambaland Now

So after several exchanges with 3A fans — both online and in e-mail — after I posted my intention to stop ordering direct from Ashley Wood’s 3A (post here) I was persuaded to give the company another try and drop my expectations. Well, timing worked out and I managed to renew my membership so this morning I stepped up and ordered the new 3AA EMGY set that includes an exclusive Dropcloth 12-inch scale action figure and a new exclusive Square (Square review here). After membership discount this came to $102, which is a great price for a 12-inch scale figure and a Square.

Click to visit the Bambaland store.

I passed on the Dropcloth 4-pack. Without seeing the figure I’m not ready to commit to four colorways of the same design. The $272 membership price for the exclusive 4-pack is pretty good, but I’d rather have at least one of these guys before I go crazy.

Click to visit the Bambaland store.

I’m looking forward to seeing this new design when he arrives. Today is January 29, so we’ll check the date again when the package arrives. And between now and the arrival of this guy I should see two more 3A packages and, more importantly to you guys, I must get my Large Martin review posted.

And I really appreciate the 24 hour window. That’s far SUPERIOR to an artificial limit on the number of available toys. The window gives all members a chance to get in and order a pack.

Anyone else a 3A member this year?

4 thoughts on “Dropcloth Available at Bambaland Now

  1. I got 3AA and the EMGY pack as well… not having to go crazy over a toy release is a vastly superior system. The only heartbreak to be seen this drop are people after the NW/DW set, which Ash is staggering the release of a few over the night, and the Chinese New Year TQ, which has also just finished it’s 10-run random single drops.. so that stuff was real hard to get, but as long as the regular stuff does not require bending over backwards, I’m happy.

    Now to wait for the Red DC retail release so my Martin can have a friend.

    So, to tally it up, my Bertie WWRP 7-pack should be in the mail… then I should see Tommy, my membership kit, and then the DC. So far, yet so soul-crushingly out of reach.

  2. I almost bought the 4 pack, but I only really want the Jungler. I was thinking that I could probably sell the rest at a later date and make my money back, but I’m not sure if I want to tie up $320 in figures I may not be able to get rid of.

    Plus these look like Brambles in skirts to me anyway.

    But I was close. Closer than ever before on spending that much money on these guys, which is definitely a testiment to how awesome they look, seeing as how I don’t even like the design that much.

    How much was a membership? I know that ship has sailed, but that 15% discount sounds pretty good.

  3. @Ben – You got a Tommy? Lucky, because I didn’t have any chance at all of snagging one. The sellout rate was amazing.

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