Each Sold Separately and Action Figures Not Included Reviews at Amazon.com

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My two books about action figure marketing — Each Sold Separately* and Action Figures Not Included* — both have new reviews at Amazon.com courtesy of J. Russell. Thanks, J!

“Expertly researched and illustrated, it’s a great read and fun just to browse through all the artwork, manuals, and catalogs you remember from your youth.”

To any of you who own copies of these two titles, please take a little time to post a review of the books at Amazon.com. The site really is driven by reader reviews, and getting more reviews for the titles would mean a lot to me. Plus, if more copies of the books sell through Amazon.com that’s a great thing for the retailer backers of the books and will help fund future books like Universe Expanded. Thanks, guys!

“If you’re a fan of the 80’s and toys, you definitely should get this book (and it’s companion.) It’s a great love letter to the brands we love (and forgot about.)”

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