Ecliptic Evader TIE Fighter on Sale at Entertainment Earth
So many Star Wars toys are made that I shouldn’t be surprised when a large piece likes this gets knocked down to almost half-off. The Rebel-marked Ecliptic Evader TIE Fighter is one I’ve seen at our local Hastings and actually picked up and checked out a few times now. The $60 they want for it is just too much, though. And besides, where would I put it?

“What happens when the Rebels steal TIE Fighters? Why, they make them into the Star Wars Ecliptic Evader TIE Fighter with Hobbie Exclusive! Get it now at a great price, and be sure to note the exclusive pilot action figure! With its huge wings and big detail, this exciting craft is a great item for kids and collectors. Get yours today!”
For a photo review of the TIE Fighter check out this thread at the Galactic Senate. Some nice shots, and there should be enough there to give you a good feel for the toy.
And for more, there’s this Entertainment Earth video:
*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.
Been looking at that Tie Fighter at hastings here as well, I wish Hastings didnt jack up there toy prices so high, I might be more inclined to pick up stuff if it was at a better value.
@Nick – I don’t know why Hastings has such high prices on their toys. And what’s frustrating is that they never seem to knock the toys down in price. $15 for a G.I. Joe figure? Crazy.