EE Exclusive Star Wars Figures Legacy Comic Packs Set
Hasbro’s pretty damned smart with their comic two-pack action figure sets. Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Marvel Universe, they’ve all had two-packs that I’ve ended up grabbing. (The day they start with Transformers two-packs we’re probably all doomed, especially if they finally give us a Scrounge action figure; see the Transformers Wiki if you don’t know what I’m talking about). Well, now there’s going to be an exclusive Star Wars comic pack at Entertainment Earth. And Hasbro knows Star Wars fans are rabid, because the characters in the exclusive pack are unnamed at this time. So they’re expecting people to pre-order without knowing what toys are being ordered.

“Straight from the Expanded Universe is our awesome exclusive collection of action figures! Orders are now open for the EE Exclusive Star Wars Figures Legacy Comic Packs Set! Get all 4 sets with 8 action figures in all, plus a selection of great comic books! Complete your collection with this fantastic exclusive, and don’t forget we have individual Star Wars action figure 2-packs as well!”
*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.