FansProject Unofficial Stunticons Update: Not-Motormaster Pre-Orders Now Open
Available for pre-order at both site sponsor TFSource and at Big Bad Toy Store is the final piece of the FansProject not-Stunticons unofficial Transformers combiner set. At the moment both sites are offering a $30 early bird discount if you pre-order before September 26, so anyone after this team should act now.

And very awesome timing on this new pre-order toy since my sequel to Transforming Collections* was accepted by Kickstarter yesterday. That means the new book project will definitely launch later this week; I just have a few small things to knock out before I start the clock. If the project meets its goal then this not-Stunticons team will get into the new book.

Philip, in your opinion, is this one of the most amazing unofficial sets of Transformers ever produced? I don’t know, I feel like FansProject really took it to the next level with this set – an extremely well-designed update of a whole team of G1 combiners yet untouched by Hasbro. In fact, I think it rivals the product Hasbro puts out. I know there have been some nice teams of unofficial Constructicons an so forth, but this set seems on a professional-quality level above the rest. I only wonder if and when Hasbro will take legal action (hopefully not).
Was really excited to finally see the core product for this set. I agree with you Kevin though, at least as Combiners go this really is on a next level.
Only nitpick so far is that it doesn’t look like the cab is separate from the trailer, ie wont be able to turn.
Yeah, I’ve been wondering about the cab, myself. Not-Motormaster sure does look purdy, though. 🙂