Farewell, Gene Colan

See Newsarama for all of the details, but today we must say goodbye to comic book artist Gene Colan (Wikipedia).
If you read comic books in the seventies and eighties then there’s a very good chance that you encountered Colan’s work. I never touched on Colan’s work here at battlegrip.com, but the Tomb of Dracula* series (mentioned here) was just one project out of many that he worked on.
Colan’s friend Clifford Meth broke the news and his post is one you should read.
This is not a eulogy–it’s some thoughts about a man I always liked very much and grew to love; a pal I spoke with nearly every day because he needed help. Now, at the end of the day, I realize how much he’s helped me.
Very sad news. I remember as a kid reading Tomb of Dracula and relishing the artwork. Even to this day, Gene Colan has always been a firm favourite of mine.