“FASA’s BattleTech line is going great guns” in 1986
November 28, 1986. David Prescott writes of FASA’s BattleTech game in the Chicago Tribune: ” . . . the BattleTech game, with sales of more than 150,000 so far in 1986, has emerged as the hottest-selling game in the country.” Now I’ve got nothing to support that claim, but I have no reason to doubt that BattleTech was a powerhouse in game stores back in the mid-eighties. I was introduced to BattleTech around this same time — and wrote of my experiences in Hobby Games: The 100 Best* about a decade ago — and I was instantly attracted to the game for one reason: Giant robots!
This fun newspaper article tackles more than just BattleTech, mentioning several other great games of the time such as DC Super Heroes, Marvel Super Heroes, and even Call of Cthulhu. What a fun snapshot of the past!