February, 1997 Star Wars Coverage
Inside issue #52 of Lee’s Action Figure News & Toy Review (Amazon.com search*) we find more info on Kenner’s Star Wars Power of the Force action figure series. Maybe I am the only one who has any level of respect and interest in this old line these days, but I can fully admit that the Cruisemissle Trooper* looks far cooler to me today than it did five, ten, or even fifteen years ago.
They should use these in Star Wars: Rebels!

Related articles
- Affiliate Link – The Star Wars Action Figure Archive (battlegrip.com)
- “Kenner Figures Right” (battlegrip.com)
- 1996 Star Wars In-Store Video from Kenner (battlegrip.com)
It always drove me nuts that you couldnt take the figure out of the Cruise Missile.
I have to admit, the POTF2 series has really grown on me in recent years. I only have two complaints: I wish they had used cloth goods instead of plastic capes and ponchos, and I wish there had been a proper Jabba released, instead of the Special Edition version.